Our Forest School Leader is our HLTA, Mrs Nina Long. Mrs Long takes small groups of children out for Forest School regularly. They enjoy a variety of activities, including den building, cooking over an open fire and learning how to use tools safely.
Forest School is an important part of our curriculum as it builds emotional resilience, as well as giving the children the chance to experience learning in an outdoor environment.

Swifts planted seeds and made butterfly feeders in Forest School this week.

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Skylarks enjoyed making wizards and wands in Forest School this week. They also enjoyed mixing potions.
Swifts enjoyed observing the ladybirds that set up home in the outdoor learning hut.
Skylarks had great fun building lairs for a dragon today. They all had to include a moat and a bridge.

Sparrows enjoyed toasting marshmallows over an open fire followed by some delicious hot chocolate.
The children in Skylarks have been trying out whittling in Forest School this week.

Swallows enjoyed cooking over an open fire this week in Forest School.
Sparrows have been learning about woodland animals this week. We learnt about owls and tried to build a nest using a peg and twigs.

Swifts & Skylarks enjoyed working with clay this week in Forest School. Skylarks also had fun making tin can telephones.
Swallows making rope ladders.

Swifts made rope ladders in Forest School today. They practised their half hitch knot.

Sparrows' task today was to make a log pile house for their snake. They also enjoyed jumping on the giant logs.
Skylarks children enjoyed building camouflaged dens and made rope swings.

Swallows children helped remove the dead wood from the Oak tree. Some of the children boiled water for their hot chocolate in the storm kettle.
The Sparrows enjoyed warming up with a hot chocolate after a busy morning building houses for the mouse from the Gruffalo story.

Swifts enjoyed building mini dens in Forest School this week. They learnt how to use the secateurs and loppers safely.

Skylarks enjoyed getting creative with the clay in today's Forest School session.

Some of the Swifts children enjoyed toasting marshmallows on the fire in Forest School this week.
The children in Swallows enjoyed making clay faces in the trees in their Forest School session this week.