Year 2

Spring Term 2020


You can set up a free account for your child on Teach Your Monster to Read (click the link below) You can go on this daily, and it will recap sounds that the children have learnt and also teach them new sounds.  It is free to use on a laptop and you can also download the app onto a tablet from the App Store, this is free on apple, but will cost 99p from other app stores.  It really is a great resource, one which we use at school and it will help your child with their phonics, reading and writing.

  • Play a game on Phonics Play (click the link below) Begin on the FREE phase 3, 4 and 5 games
  • For full access please use the following: username: march20 password: home

  • Watch some Alphablocks on BBC iPlayer


  • Please read with your child as much as possible reading to them , shared reading and discussing books reading material in general
  • Read your school book, and remember Oxford Owl (click below)

Maths Activities

  • Play some board games with your family
  • Can you collect some coins from around the house and sort them? Can you do a coin rubbing?  Can you make an amount by adding the coins?
  • Can you go on a shape hunt around your house and draw and name the shapes you find? Are they 2d or 3d?
  • Dominoes are another great resource for maths games, choose a domino, write a number sentence to match. Can you double the number?
  • Watch Numberblocks on iPlayer – it goes all the way to 100 now!


  • Can you use your construction toys (lego/duplo/mega blocks, or any other construction you have) to build space stations, rockets or UFOs?
  • Draw a design for your own rocket.
  • Can you use junk modelling to make any of these?
  • Play dough/ Plasticine make some aliens and use them to act out a story
  • Can you do some baking? Can you write the recipe?
  • Have a look in your garden for signs of spring, can you name what you see? Can you describe them using your senses? Sketch or take photos of interest.
  • If you have any seeds at home, can you plant them and keep a plant diary as they grow?

Keep your body moving

  • Go in the garden and practice your throwing and catching – you can make a target game using junk modelling, just stick a number on the tubs and see what score you can get.
  • Have a look at cosmic kids on YouTube and do some yoga
  • Announcing "P.E with Joe" | Daily LIVE workouts for kids | The Body Coach – You Tube